Brush Stroke

Ahmedabad to Surat - A Drive Through Gujarat's Industrial Corridor

travel kit

Brush Stroke

Frequently used route

Ahmedabad – Nadiad – Vadodara – Bharuch – Surat

270 km

6 hours


Enchanting Pit Stops

A town known for its historical significance


Explore the rich cultural heritage of the city


Known for its industrial importance


Brush Stroke

Famous for traditional Gujarati snacks

Das Khaman House, Ahmedabad

Offers a blend of Gujarati and North Indian cuisine

Mandap, Vadodara

Known for its street food delights

Welcome Fast Food, Bharuch

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In Surat's bustling streets, where trade finds its flow, A city of diamonds, where businesses grow. The Diamond City, with a sparkle aglow, Here, find a mix of commerce and tradition, in tow.

Brush Stroke

A green oasis in the city

Sarthana Nature Park

A historic garden with colonial connections

Dutch Garden

A popular coastal destination

Dumas Beach

Places to visit in and around Surat

Brush Stroke

Kansar Gujarati Thali, Surat – Known for authentic Gujarati thali. Garden Vareli Restaurant – Offers a variety of vegetarian dishes. Shiv Shakti Dabeli, Surat – Famous for its dabeli and street food.

Places to eat in Surat

Brush Stroke

Gopi Talav

Hidden Gem Alert

Explore the serene lake and gardens

Brush Stroke

Exploring Surat diamond market’s sparkling legacy

Explore the rich history, vibrant present, and promising future of Surat's Diamond Market. From its humble origins to becoming the world's largest office building, discover the enchanting world of diamonds.

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